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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23


In the heating and air conditioning industry, our client faced challenges related to data security and operational efficiency. With a sizable workforce of 55 users and revenue of $22M, they needed an effective mobile device management (MDM) solution to protect sensitive data, monitor technician activities, and optimize resource allocation.


To address these challenges, we implemented Sophos Mobile Advanced, a comprehensive MDM solution designed specifically for mobile device security and management. It offered robust features such as data tracking and wiping for lost devices, location monitoring for technicians, and centralized device management.


The implementation of Sophos Mobile Advanced as our client’s MDM solution delivered significant results in three key areas below. By leveraging Sophos Mobile Advanced as their MDM solution, our client achieved improved data security, enhanced technician efficiency, and substantial time and cost savings. This powerful solution enabled them to effectively manage their mobile devices, stay ahead in a competitive industry, and drive continued growth and success. 

HVAC Company
Secure Data Protection
By utilizing Sophos Mobile Advanced's data tracking and wiping capabilities, our client achieved enhanced data security. In the event of lost or stolen devices, they could remotely track and wipe sensitive data, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.
Technician Efficiency
Sophos Mobile Advanced's location feature empowered our client's management team to optimize resource allocation and improve technician efficiency. They could track technician whereabouts, enabling informed decisions on dispatching, reducing travel time, and enhancing productivity.
Time & Cost Savings
Through centralized device management provided by Sophos Mobile Advanced, our client experienced streamlined operations. This allowed them to save valuable time on administrative tasks, while also reducing potential financial losses associated with device issues.